Two lovers, separated by languages, confess to each other in their own native tongues.
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14 min - B/W - 4K DCP - 32:9, 16:9 - 5.1, Stereo
Directors: Anna Hints & Tushar Prakash
Script: Anna Hints & Tushar Prakash
Cinematography: Ants Tammik
Editing: Anna Hints & Tushar Prakash
Sound design: Tanel Kadalipp
Music: Spike Snell
Producers: Len Murusalu, Tauno Novek, Anna Hints, Tushar Prakash
Languages: Estonian, Võro, Hindi with English subtitles
Alternative titles:
Suudle mind oma keelega
मिलाप तुम्हारी जुबानी से
Financed by: Estonian Film Institute, Estonian Cultural Endowment
Anna Hints and Tushar Prakash have creatively collaborated since 2019. They have written together two short fiction scripts Weight of Light and Sauna Day. Together with Qutaiba Barhamji they have edited Anna‘s feature-length debut documentary Smoke Sauna Sisterhood which received a prestigious Sundance Institute post-production grant.
Anna is deeply rooted in the distinct culture of South Estonia, yet since 2016 years her second home has been India. Tushar, a graduate of the National Polish Film School in Lodz, is originally from Delhi but has been living in Estonia since 2020. Kissing Your Tongue is the couple’s first creative collaboration.